Across Hertfordshire around a quarter of the people who are eligible for Healthy Start vouchers have not made a claim.
The Heathy Start voucher scheme gives people who are pregnant, or who have a child under 4, possible entitlement to help to buy healthy food and milk. Across Hertfordshire, 5218 pregnant people and children are entitled to Healthy Start vouchers, but currently the take-up rate is only 67% – around a quarter of the people who are eligible have not made a claim. That means that every week across Hertfordshire £11,007 worth of healthy food and milk doesn’t reach those who need it.
The Healthy Start vouchers, which can be redeemed at local retailers, can be spent on milk and instant formula milk, as well as fresh or frozen fruit or vegetables, and fresh, dried and tinned pulses. The vouchers can also be swapped for free Healthy Start vitamins designed for pregnant and breastfeeding women and growing children.
To find out more and check your eligibility visit www.gov.uk/healthy-start. Application leaflets can also be picked up at GP surgeries and baby clinics. Alternatively, you can phone for a form on 0345 607 6823 or download and print one from www.healthystart.nhs.uk/healthy-start-vouchers/how-to-apply/.